Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baked Yam Sticks

I like yams so much!  But, lately, when I eat them in my familiar ways, I tend to get an elevated blood pressure.  A friend of mine suggested I bake them very simply.

I cut the yams, (or. sweet potatoes), up in medium to thick sticks; then I spray them with Watkins
Cooking Spray.  I also grind some of Watkins Sea Salt, Watkins Black Peppercorns, and I
sprinkle a bit of Watkins Cinnamon, and Watkins Nutmeg on just before I slide them into a 350
degrees preheated oven.  I let them bake for ten minutes on each side, and,  Yummy!

I find I can eat yams or sweet potatoes cooked in this fashion without and negative situations,
providing I eat them in moderation.  You try them cooked this way.  I was always used
to adding sugar and butter to sweet potatoes and yams.  But, to me, the Sea Salt and other
spices compliment the potatoes really well.  The natural sweetness of the yams and sweet potatoes
flows in with the spices.  A great taste!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Kitty Friend's Name

I am so excited to have a little kitty as my own special friend!  I asked my friend 'Rosa' what name she had given her kitty.  She looked at me comically and answered, "A name,? Why, I have always called her kitty-kat.  She even answers me by that name."  I never thought I would visit a kitten!  But I find myself
drawn to this little fur ball.  She is so much fun to be around.   Kitty-kat know instinctively how to follow
me when I go to see her.  She really knows how to interact with people.

I will ask my friend, 'Rosa', if I may bring Little Kitty-Kat some treats the next time I visit with them.  I'm
sure it will be okay.  She actually like to play ball with me, so I put one in my car to have on hand when next I see my newest little friend.  Kitty-Kat is too adorable!  Such a playful kitty.  My dogs would be so jealous
if they saw me playing with the kitty.  I really have spoiled Choca and  Slick over the three years since I've owned them.  My affection  for Kitty-Kat is a great big secret from my dogs! Shhhhhhh!  Case closed!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Kitty Friend

Ever since I could remember myself, I've had an irrational fear of cats.  Truth be told,any animal from the
feline family can literally suck the breath from me merely by looking at them.  Imagine my surprise, when
I visit with my cousin and friend up the street a ways, her cat follows me all around the yard whenever I
go there, which is maybe two, three times a week.  She rubs 
against my legs,  then sits on my feet and stares up in my face contentedly.

I'm dumbstruck with her actions towards me.  I have never interacted with her in any way. That hasn't
stopped the kitten from befriending me, though.  I feel so guilty that I don't naturally share her feelings back to
her.  However, I am going to work hard on being nicer to my new 'kitty friend'.   I don't know the kitty's
name yet, but I will make it a point to find out all about her.

Don't underestimate the power of animals!  They are so full of love and affection, and, like this kitty,
they just want to share it.  She really got my attention!  Do you favor cats?  Or, like me, an old dog lover
from 'way' back?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Store In Our Small Town

The Grand Opening to the small business, located just a few steps across my front yard, is a much
welcomed venture for our community.  The owner is a young woman with such determination to
succeed!  She is pleasant, friendly, and courteous.  These are traits that are much needed when dealing with the public.  This is her first try at starting a business.  I believe she will do well.

I had the chance to speak with her in depth:   After introductions, I identified myself as an Independent
Watkins Distributor. She asked to see a catalog. Of course, I handed her several of the Watkins Catalogs.
Browsing through the catalogs, she   recognized some of the products.  She mentioned that her mom and grandmother had used many of
the products while she was growing up.  She also said that in the very near future, when she's more organized, she would make some purchases from me.  I asked her if she would pass some catalogs to
her family and friends.  She said she would gladly do so.  I will follow up on that promise in a week or
two.  I told the young lady about some of my recipes using Watkins seasonings and spices.  I also mentioned the personal items, such as the Lavender Lotion, and the Mango Hand and Cuticles Salve.
I feel sure of potential new customers real soon!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Robins are Back

'Thrilled' is  what I described myself to be when I  observed my first robin of this season yesterday. Actually, there were about two hundred or more in the back yard.   What they find to eat there has always been a mystery to me. ( Robins scratch and eat in my back  yard for hours on end).
Nevertheless, they were chirping happily, and, I guess they were eating the tender grasses, and maybe a worm
or so that found himself in the wrong place at just the right time for the birds.

Five or so years prior to this season, when all the robins visited our back yard every morning for about two weeks, one brave fellow decided to stay with us for at least another week all by himself.  I was so honored to see him there alone every morning.  He seemed so contented.  I wanted to adopt  that robin and make a pet out of him.  But, one morning, about a week later, he had disappeared.  I imagine he wanted to catch up with his
flock. I missed him, but the pull of nature visited him, and he complied.  Oh, well, my loss.  Again, I'm very
happy to see the robins.  Next week, they'll leave again,  and so it goes......................
Do you enjoy seeing the robins?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lovely Winter

Winter of 2010
We are having such a lovely winter this year. The weather is so unusually mild, and some of the trees are
actually budding out.  We've had no sleet, ice , or snow as yet.  Until we see a generous snowfall, the
snowmen and snow women will have to wait in line to be created.  Snow angels will also have to wait their turns.

While living in New York almost twenty-two years ago, the snow was such a joy to my children.  At the time, I
just wasn't into such cold weather and all the inconveniences that went along with it.  Now that I'm not exposed to ice cycles and snowflakes, I would be thrilled to experience a two feet or more of a snowfall.  Go figure!   You never miss the snowmen until they're not to be found.  The snow angels!  My kids looked for a parcel of fresh snow with no tracks or anything.  Then they would carefully lay stretched out on their backs,and start to move arms and legs in a back and forth motion. Then carefully getting up, they would inspect their angels.
Fun for the kids, but I never attempted to make a snow angel.  My loss, as I surmise now that we never get sufficient snowfall.  This photo was taken about two winters ago!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tea Olive Plant

Yesterday was a marvelous day,(as are all others!)  The main reason for the joy of yesterday, is that I received a love gift of a tea olive plant!  This was only the second time that I had even heard of such
a plant.About three months ago, I went to a plant nursery with two of my closest friends, and one of them purchased a tea olive plant.

I asked many questions regarding the plant; what is its origin, how large does it grow, and what is one of its most significant features?  My friend surprised me by just nonchalantly dropping the plant off  in
my yard yesterday, three months after I had first saw one.

This tree grows to about five feet tall, and three feet or so wide at maturity. (around three years.)  It is
a slow-growing tree, but the fragrance that permeates from this tree smells so beautiful.  Some have
compared it to the scent of a rose, others say it has a smell between a jasmine and a gardenia.   The scent is said to  travel at least 100 feet in any direction from the tree itself .  This tree originated in China.  The Chinese extracts an oil from the tea olive tree for various uses. The oil is mixed with cosmetics,soaps, etc.  Also, the oil is used as is on the hair for the shine and the lovely scent.

This Tea Olive Tree (Osmanthus Fragrans) greatly attract some of our most colorful summertime characters.  The hummingbirds, butterflies,   and other insects are instantly captivated  by this lovely tree.

Now, you understand why I am so excited about this tree! This is the loveliest of gifts.   Thanks,